petek, 17. januar 2025 leto 30 / št. 017
Judje v Washingtonu povzdignili glas: Propalestinski protestniki vdrli na Kapitolski grič
Skupina »Judovski glas za mir«, ki poziva k premirju in nasprotuje »etničnemu čiščenju Palestincev, ki ga izvaja izraelska vlada«, je na ameriškem Kapitolu organizirala sedeči protest, na katerem so zahtevali, da ZDA podprejo ustavitev ognja in premirje med Izraelom in Hamasom, poroča kanal Fox News.
— Amir (@AfcHaameX) October 18, 2023
Več deset propalestinskih demonstrantov, med katerimi so bili večinoma Judje, je nato v sredo zvečer vdrlo v stavbo Cannon House na Capitol Hillu (Kapitolskem griču) v Washingtonu, poročajo ameriški mediji.
#BREAKING: masses of Hamas supporters descend on the Capitol
— Israel War Room (@IsraelWarRoom) October 18, 2023
Pred stavbo Kongresa pa jih je ostalo več sto.
— Hossam Mabrouk (@Hossam7Mabrouk) October 18, 2023
Aktivisti so vzklikali »Prenehajte z ognjem!« in držali transparente z napisom »Naj živi Gaza« ter grajali poboje Palestincev: »Ne v našem imenu!«
What we know from past Israeli state atrocities against Palestinians is that the bombs only stop once there is a sufficient mass outcry from the international community. It’s on us to build that outcry — as fast as we possibly can.
— Jewish Voice for Peace (@jvplive) October 18, 2023
Večina pa je imela na oblačilih napis »Judje pravimo premirje zdaj!«.
Jewish rabbi: We are with the Palestinian government and the Palestinian people. Before the occupation of Palestine by the Zionists, the Jews lived in peace and harmony with the Muslims. Our wish is the re-establishment of the Palestinian state.
— Sprinter (@Sprinter99800) October 10, 2023
Kmalu po začetku protesta je policija Kapitolskega griča posvarila množico, naj se razide.
NOW - Pro-Palestine crowd inside and outside the U.S.
— (@disclosetv) October 18, 2023
Nato je vstopila v poslopje in pridržala tiste, ki niso hoteli ubogati.
Ceasefire is the first step to stop the ongoing genocide by the Israeli military of the over 2 million Palestinians in beseiged Gaza, unable to leave.
— Jewish Voice for Peace (@jvplive) October 18, 2023
Policija je sporočila, da je aretiranih 100 protestnikov, ki niso hoteli zapustiti stavbe.
“We want to live in peace with Palestinian neighbours.”
— Al Jazeera English (@AJEnglish) October 18, 2023
Ultra-Orthodox Jews have rallied in support of Palestinians despite saying they face hostility and physical attacks for their anti-Israel stance
V tej stavbi je več pisarn predstavniškega doma in Kongresa.
Tens of thousands of protesters across UK call for a free Palestine.
— Ihteram UL HaQ (@IhteramULHaQ9) October 19, 2023
Fifteen arrested at march in London, while demonstrations also take place in Manchester, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Glasgow and Aberdeen
Time for UNITY, not only Muslims but also those who are search of true freedom.
Včeraj so bili masovni protesti tudi v Londonu in Grčiji.
Wow Greece! Well done
— Sparks (@Sparksalive15) October 18, 2023
Vsem protestnikom je skupno, da zahtevajo prekinitev ognja in pravico za Palestince.