sreda, 15. januar 2025 leto 30 / št. 015
Rekli so: »Niti inča proti Vzhodu, pol pa figa, že kukajo skozi našo ograjo!« Putin o obljubi Nata, da se ne bo širil (VIDEO)
Moskva nikoli v preteklosti ni nameravala napasti držav Nata, niti tega ne namerava storiti v prihodnje, je v torek na seji kolegija obrambnega ministrstva dejal ruski predsednik Vladimir Putin.
There is no chance Putin will invade Eastern Europe.
— Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil (@ivan_8848) December 19, 2023
Europeans were never afraid of Russia, as evidenced by the low defense spending since the Cold War ended. They don't fear the Russians - Professor Mearsheimer.
So who is creating this further drive to expand NATO? The usual…
Po njegovih besedah Združene države Amerike krepijo in izkoriščajo tako imenovano pripoved o »ruski grožnji«, da bi ohranile svojo šibko moč na evropski celini.
Putin on NATO expansion:
— Zlatti71 (@djuric_zlatko) December 19, 2023
In 1991 they said: “Not an inch to the east”. Hell no, look, they are hanging out under our fence."
»Američani so bili zelo zaskrbljeni zaradi tesnih vezi med Rusijo in Evropo, saj menijo, da oni morajo biti gospodarji povsod.
Zato nenehno strašijo Evropejce: ‘Pozor, zla Rusija je za vas grožnja’,« se je negotovim evropskim voditeljem, servilnim do Washingtona, posmehnil Putin, poroča TASS.
Putin: [The US] was very concerned about Russia’s rapprochement with Europe. Very! They should be the masters there. They kept frightening us: behold, evil Russia is threatening you. Well, I talked to many leaders, and they tell me: why are they scaring us, we understand that…
— Victor vicktop55 (@vicktop55) December 19, 2023
Podčrtal je, da Rusija ne namerava iti v vojno proti Evropi.
Russian President Vladimir Putin is the geopolitical winner of the year, the American newspaper "Wall Street Journal" announced.
— S p r i n t e r (@Sprinter99800) December 19, 2023
I am not happy to announce Vladimir Putin as the winner of the year, but his position seems immeasurably stronger than a year ago, writes newspaper…
»Kaj bi sploh lahko z državami Nata?!
Ne potrebujemo jih.
Nismo jih potrebovali v preteklosti, ne potrebujemo jih zdaj in jih ne bomo potrebovali v prihodnosti,« je dejal in spomnil, da so ZDA, da bi obdržale svoje uporišče v Evropi, »že leta 2014 začele vojno v Ukrajini«.
#Putin admitted that he was a “naive” leader early in his political career even though he had a solid background in Soviet intelligence. He was wrong to assume the West would establish productive relations with Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union. In reality, it was…
— tim anderson (@timand2037) December 19, 2023
»Nismo imeli druge izbire, kot da se na to odzovemo,« je dejal ruski voditelj.
"Were we supposed to just hand everything over to them, watch them devour everything that is historically Russian?" #Putin
— Matreshka VVP 2024 (@MatreshkaRF) December 19, 2023
Ko gre za obljube Čezatlantskega zavezništva, da se ne širitve na Vzhod celine, je Putin spomnil, da je NATO to obljubo dal že leta 1991, zdaj pa kuka čez meje Rusije.
»Ves čas so mi (NATO) govorili: ‘Česa se zdaj bojiš, zdaj jih (Ukrajince) ne bomo sprejeli’. Jaz pa odvrnem: ‘Ja, zdaj. Kaj pa jutri?’.
Z vidika zgodovinskih perspektiv in strateških interesov ruske države tudi čez 10, celo čez 15 let je to nesprejemljivo. Cilj je jasen – pripeljati Ukrajino v NATO.
Leta 1991 so rekli: ‘Niti inč se ne bomo premaknili na Vzhod’. Vraga ne – tam so, že kukajo skozi našo ograjo,« je dodal.
Putin Slams NATO Lies Over Eastward Expansion
— Sinnaig (@Sinnaig) December 19, 2023
"Remember what we’ve been saying all long. Back in 1991, they said, not an inch eastward. Not an inch, my ass! They are right by our door now, as they have been all this time"
Ruski voditelj je spomnil, da so do začetka SMO obstajali predlogi, ki so bili povsem sprejemljivi za vse, a jih je NATO zavrnil, saj so ZDA želel slabitev in razkosavanje Rusije.
He's right! Europe robs Africa, and the United States robs South America! There is less and less freedom of expression and more and more censorship, just look at the story of the New York post and Hunter Biden... or the story of Assange!
— Pumpkin Man (@AUno11887) December 19, 2023
»Zahod države, kot je Rusija, ne potrebuje - prevelika je.
Zato so želeli Rusije razdeliti, nato pa podjarmiti kos za kosom, tako kot si podrejajo Evropo,« je sklenil predsednik Rusije.