sobota, 25. januar 2025 leto 30 / št. 025
Pentagon: ZDA so zaradi Sirije aktivirale komunikacijski kanal z Rusko federacijo
Ameriški vojaki so aktivirali komunikacijski kanal z Rusijo glede konflikta v Siriji, je na novinarski konferenci sporočil tiskovni predstavnik Pentagona Patrick Ryder.
In one of his interviews on Going Underground, Julian Assange explains the US’ years-long preparation for the dirty war on Syria, in which it deliberately fostered sectarian division with fake and exaggerated rumours, as part of a plan to overthrow Bashar Al-Assad
— Afshin Rattansi (@afshinrattansi) December 2, 2024
Tiskovni predstavnik ameriškega obrambnega ministrstva Patrick Ryder teh stikov ni podrobneje pojasnil.
2007 - Former General Wesley Clark revealed U.S. plan for Middle East wars and 'taking out' seven countries
— Ignorance, the root and stem of all evil (@ivan_8848) December 2, 2024
Starting with Iraq, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Sudan and finishing off with Iran... in that exact order.
Po njegovih besedah je poveljnik ameriške operacije v Siriji uporabil linijo za nujne primere, ki jo imajo z Rusijo, da bi se prepričal o obstoju odprtega komunikacijskega kanala, ob upoštevanju, da ameriške sile delujejo na geografsko majhnem območju.
In an attempt to avoid direct conflict between US and Russian forces in Syria the US opens a hotline - as they target the Iranian backed PMU units that are opposing the 'moderate rebels' or HTS terrorist forces fighting against the Syrian government forces.
— Lance Aloud (@Lanceloadin) December 3, 2024
The US has around 900…
S tem je Ryder odgovoril na vprašanje, ali sta ZDA in Rusija v stiku glede terorističnega napada v Siriji.
News from Syrian friend "J" who is close to the SAA.
— tim anderson (@timand2037) December 3, 2024
"Now, after four days of shock, we began the attack, the terrorists were stopped from entering Hama, and the army regained control of some towns in the northern Hama countryside towards Idlib.
"Syrian and Russian aircraft are…
»Ne bom se spuščal v podrobnosti teh stikov, poudaril bom le, da imamo tisti mehanizem zveze, da preprečimo napačne poteze.
Prav tako bomo še naprej vzdrževali povezave z drugimi državami v regiji v skladu z razvojem razmer,« je dodal Ryder.
While you're here, here's my message to people in the UK and USA that are bashing Assad right now
— Ousman Noor (@ousmannoor) December 2, 2024
Spomnimo, junija 2023 je Ryder, ko je govoril o rusko-ameriških komunikacijskih linijah med obema vojskama v Siriji, izjavil: »Te linije ostajajo odprte«.