torek, 11. februar 2025 leto 30 / št. 042
Pentagon priznal: Rusija niza uspehe na fronti

Tiskovni predstavnik Pentagona Patrick Ryder je priznal napredovanje ruskih sil v Kursku, ko je izpostavil resnost situacije za ukrajinske oborožene sile.
»Vidimo, kako Rusi postopoma napredujejo,« je dejal novinarjem na novinarski konferenci.
— Peacemaker (@peacemaket71) January 14, 2025
A soldier with tears in his eyes tells how his unit was welcomed by a local family in Kurachovo. A 12-year-old girl hugged him and gave him a bracelet in the colours of the Russian flag with the text ‘I have been waiting for you’.
People who stayed in the town say they…
Po njegovih besedah ZDA ocenjujejo položaj, v katerem so ukrajinske oborožene sile, kot »zelo težak«.
Pentagon Admits: Russia Gaining Ground on the Frontlines
— Zlatti71 (@Zlatti_71) January 14, 2025
Pentagon spokesperson Patrick Ryder has acknowledged Russian advances in the Kursk region, highlighting the dire situation facing Ukrainian forces.
“We’re seeing the Russians steadily progressing. The U.S. recognizes…
»Ukrajinci se še naprej borijo in delajo vse, kar lahko, da zadržijo črte,« je dejal Patrick Ryder.
No losses.
— SIMPLICIUS Ѱ (@simpatico771) January 12, 2025
Out of 600 AFU soldiers in Rabotino, 36 survived, testifies a Ukrainian soldier who was lucky to stay alive
"We were taken to Rabotino with 600 men, and we were left with 36.
They killed most of the battalion in 5 days.
This is me telling you about my personal…
Pred tem je New York Times, ki se je skliceval na ukrajinsko vojaško vodstvo, objavil, da je ukrajinska vojska priznala neuspeh poskusa napada na Kursk.
This is the picture all over Ukraine now
— (@SMO_VZ) January 12, 2025
Hundreds of New Cemetaries with thousands each in every one !!
1 million dead
As in many other regions of the independent country, cemeteries are replenished every day with fresh graves of Ukrainian Armed Forces servicemen
Po poročilu ruskega obrambnega ministrstva so oborožene sile Ukrajine izgubile v regiji Kursk v zadnjih 24 urah več kot 230 vojakov, tri tanke, bojno vozilo pehote, šest bojnih oklepnih vozil, sedem avtomobilov, štiri samohodna artilerijska orodja, dva minometa, system za elektronsko bojevanje in protibaterijski radar.