sreda, 11. december 2024 leto 29 / št. 346
Pentagon povečuje vojaško prisotnost ZDA na Bližnjem vzhodu
Ameriški obrambni minister Lloyd Austin je napovedal odpošiljanje bombnikov, bojnih letal in vojaških ladij na Bližnji vzhod, da bi okrepili prisotnost ZDA v tej regiji, je sporočil Pentagon.
The Pentagon announced that Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin is sending additional bomber aircraft and Navy warships to the Middle East to bolster the U.S. presence in the region.
— Lana (@RashadLana18915) November 2, 2024
According to Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder, Pentagon press secretary, Austin has ordered several B-52…
Tiskovni predstavnik ameriškega obrambnega ministrstva Pat Ryder je dejal, da je Austin ukazal napotitev več bombnikov B-52 Stratofortress, eskadrilje bojnih letal, letal za oskrbo z gorivom in mornariških rušilcev.
Pentagon press secretary Pat Ryder:
— S p r i n t e r (@SprinterFamily) November 2, 2024
"Given our commitment to protecting American citizens and troops in the Middle East, defending Israel, and reducing tensions through deterrence and diplomacy, the Secretary of Defense has ordered the deployment of additional missile defense…
Enota naj bi v regijo začela prihajati v prihodnjih mesecih, ko se letalonosilka USS Abraham Lincoln pripravlja na vrnitev v ZDA.
BREAKING: The whole US military soon will be in the middle east ensuring the safety of Israel
— Megatron (@Megatron_ron) November 1, 2024
US Secretary Austin ordered the deployment of additional ballistic missile defense destroyer ships, fighter squadron and tanker aircraft, and several U.S. Air Force B-52…
Ryder je poudaril, da Austinova zadnja odločitev dokazuje sposobnost ZDA, da hitro razporedi sile po vsem svetu kot odgovor na grožnje nacionalni varnosti.
US announces new Mideast military deployments as warning to Iran
— World NBC (@WorldNBC1) November 2, 2024
Pentagon spokesman Major General Pat Ryder said should Iran its partners, its proxies use this moment to target American personnel or interests in the region, the United States will necessary to defend our people.
»Če Iran ali njegovi partnerji ciljajo na ameriško osebje ali interese v regiji, bodo Združene države Amerike sprejele vse potrebne ukrepe za zaščito svojih ljudi,« je dodal.
U.S. Sends Missiles and Bombers to Middle East as Defensive Measure
— The Daily Bread Podcast (@TheDailyBreadUS) November 2, 2024
Pentagon Press Secretary Maj. Gen. Pat Ryder:
The Secretary of Defense ordered the deployment of additional ballistic missile defense destroyers, fighter squadron and tanker aircraft, and several...
Po načrtu naj bi letalonosilka USS Abraham Lincoln in trije rušilci v njeni skupini ladij do sredine meseca zapustili Bližnji vzhod in se vrnili v matično pristanišče v San Diegu.