torek, 11. februar 2025 leto 30 / št. 042
Ukrajinski poslanec: Kmalu padec Zelenskega, pogajanja brez Nemčije in Francije

Poslanec ukrajinskega parlamenta Aleksander Dubinski je dejal, da se bliža konec Vladimirja Zelenskega.
Eventually, the people who count will realize that the Ukraine war will never end as long as Zelensky is in power. That realization will come shortly before the end of Zelensky’s life
— Henry Thoreau (@HDThoreau11) January 22, 2025
Napoveduje, da bi lahko ZDA odstavile Zelenskega in njegove politične zaveznike, tako da se bodo lahko Washington sam odločil, koga bo povabil na mirovna pogajanja.
“The problem that Ukraine is facing is not that they’re running out of money, is that they’re running out of Ukrainians.”(c)
— Diana Panchenko (@Panchenko_X) January 16, 2025
Thank You, @marcorubio
The point is that Zelensky doesn’t care about Ukrainians.
If the war ends, he stops earning money.
»Združene države Amerike in Rusija ne bodo dovolile Franciji, Nemčiji in baltskim državam, da sodelujejo v pogajanjih.
"Hundreds of thousands of peacekeepers from the European Empire should be sent to Ukraine after the war ends to prevent another Russian attack", Ukrainian President Vladimir Zelensky said.
— Cezary Żekanowski (@CZekanowski) January 22, 2025
Namesto tega bodo morda povabljene sosede Ukrajine: Poljska, Slovaška, Madžarska, Romunija, Belorusija in Turčija,« je dejal Dubinski.
You are so right! Bravo Fico,you are the man of logic and strong backbone.
— Rodrad (@Rodrad10) January 19, 2025
Alexander Dubinsky called Vladimir Zelensky "the greatest perpetrator of genocide against his own people". Verkhovna Rada lawmaker Alexander Dubinsky said on his Telegram channel.
Meni, da bi ta poteza lahko bila del strategije ameriškega predsednika Donalda Trumpa.